Monday, July 21, 2008

Wow!! What love is this?!

God is great! He loves me very much and treats me like a precious treasure, very important to Him. What more on how I see myself? Worthy, because of Jesus. Freedom in living a great life because of Jesus, free from sin!

Right now, just the way you are at this moment; you are completely, unconditionally loved. Thank you, Jesus.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Life is Weird

Life is weird; being a Christian in today’s society is something which many consider most weird and the called to be a follower of Christ are just insane. Life itself contains so much of confusion, things and thoughts which we could not fully understand and could not make sense out of it. Sometime it seems that our heart have many other hearts inside, which each beating out of its own. There were infinite directions and ways, even in the context of Christianity there were many ways of beliefs, practices, tradition, thinking, studies and etc. Many Christians spend most of their life doing research and trying to answer all the questions. At the end I just need to admit that the world which is created is greater than man, but the world which created by God is not greater than its own Creator, our God Almighty.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.

As the heavens are higher than the earth,

So are my ways higher than your ways

And my thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55:8-10

So, I’ll do what I understand and what God has made known to me and leaving the rest of the debate to Him. There were two greatest commandments that God want us to know and fulfilled. First to love God with all my heart, soul and mind, second is to love our neighbors as myself. (Matthew 22: 37-40) “All the law and prophets hand on these two commandments.”