Monday, November 9, 2009

Today's world!

I am a sinner but I Praise God that in His grace I am saved.

I'm not higher than anyone else or more holy than anyone else... basically, I'm someone who just love Jesus and following Jesus. I do not know everything, all I know is what written in the bible would be the truth, and I would simply follow it.

This morning, I was listening to a few sermons from the preachers in the U.S. and I realized that most of their sermons are talking on false teaching, which has rapidly increased in that continent today.

Many churches has adopted their programs and teachings being culturally relevant but on the other hand they was guilty of watering-down the gospel. All they want is to play church and not saving souls for Jesus Christ. False teaching is indeed the greatest obstacle for Christian in their work to save soul for Jesus Christ.

Many false teachers came out with so many theories that sounded nice and correct in the ear of the hearer, and some even forcefully used the name of Jesus, and used the love of Jesus to enforce their ugly, despicable, wicked ways. Some of them would cleverly used the Word of God to rebuke you and they would make you feel guilty of not accepting their teaching.

I have a very good friend, who was serving in the ministry with me. Sadly. he has went astray and wicked in his way. He is no longer in the ministry. He became involve in homosexuality and start teaching others that Christian should accept homosexual and tattoo. The first time I heard him, I was convinced especially when he told me about the love of Jesus who will not despise sinner. However, later with God's wisdom and grace I soon realized that he was actually using the love I have Jesus to make me feel guilty of hating the sin of homosexuality.

He would revealed to me all those bible passages and stories that show of the love of Jesus to all kind of people esp sinners. He would told me that I should not be fundamental in my thinking and start to open myself to become more liberal because that is the only way I can save more soul for Jesus. I love my Lord Jesus Christ. I truly felt guilty when he said that and that I should not despise the sin of homosexual and should practice more love to sinners.

How wicked is a false teacher. How shameful are them!!!!

I would tell him this. Yes, Jesus love everyone and most of all Jesus love sinners like you and I. Again, I do not claim that I am higher than you because both of us are sinners. But you are wicked by using my love for Jesus to make me feel guilty of hating sins and especially homosexuality. Don't talk to me about Jesus' love for people because you have not love when you teach the young people about things which are not biblical correct. Is this loving Jesus? Don't talk to me about Jesus' love when you encourage the youth to do tattoo? Is this loving Jesus? Don't talk to me about Jesus' love when you sexually violate a young boy. Is this loving Jesus? Don't talk to me about Jesus' love when you are doing the things which God hate? Is this loving Jesus?

Yes, I do hate homosexual people because they have come out with all those theories that sounded nice and right but not biblical, yet they was only trying to make themselves feel better. I hate those who want to sin and then use bible to justify their wicked way and trying to stumble faithful Christian when they just trying to help. Shame on you! However, I am only speaking this as a man. But your Lord, Jesus Christ still loves you.

How my heart burden and crying out to the young generation in today's world that i do not know how more I should emphasis this that knowing the BIBLE is not just important but it is a NECESSITY if we want to survive to be biblical faithful in this wicked generation. We (even myself) need to start praying and soak in His word all the time....